July TBR | Babblers Gonna Babble Books

Dear fellow Babblers,

June has been a pretty *meh* month for me. I haven’t come across anything truly worth my babbles. After reading The Circle at the beginning of the month I’m pretty sure the rest of my month of reading was tainted by that despicable piece of craftsmanship (you can find a full review of The Circle here). I spent this afternoon finishing up on Dear Mr. M by Herman Koch and will definitely will be posting a review of it soon to share with y’all yet another one of my readerly sufferings. I wasn’t as impressed as I anticipated. The Dinner is a whole lot better. Dear Mr. M is just a bunch of twists and turns between multiple focalizers spanning the course of several years. The disappearance of a high school history teacher is what’s supposed to draw the narratives together but I found the lack of linearity very difficult to keep up with. *sigh*

june gloom

Now that June is in the past I have high expectations for this months reading schedule. With all the attention that’s been given to YA, and even science fiction and fantasy all over WordPress, Goodreads, as well as several literary journals I’ve decided to devote this month specifically to these genres. With this mission set in stone, along with a number recommendations I’ve been receiving from my new bookish buddies here I strutted into Barnes & Noble fearlessly and with absolute confidence, and I’ve decided to share with you, fellow babblers – many of whom I owe thanks for the awesome suggestions – my July TBR.

1. A Darker Shade of Magic (Shades of Magic #1)

a darker shade of magic

I’m super excited to begin this new trilogy. I’ve been shying away all year long from beginning a new series out of fear of disappointment. However, with the exceptional reputation that it’s seem to have acquired in a short amount of time, I feel pretty confident that this work of fantasy will finally carry me out of my June-gloom reading slump.

                     2. The Bear And The Nightingale

the bear and the nightingale

I’m not familiar with this author but, I mean, just look how riveting this cover is though! I’m bewitched just by the evocative shade of blue and the way it contrasts against the golden font (sorry- that’s the artsy fartsy in me taking its melancholy toll on my mental stability) ! The premise of this novel surrounds monsters and magic, bringing together storytelling traditions of Russian Folklore.

3. Thirteen Reasons Why

13 reasons why

This book has been out for quite a few years now and. Despite the devastatingly lucid, yet realistic nature of the plot, surrounding a girl who’s committed suicide and, through tapes, reveals the thirteen reasons that drove her to make such a decision, its not until now (in the most literal sense of the word) that I’ve decided to pick it up. It could also just be that the novel is now a major hit on Netflix… but then again, I’m too much of an OCD blabber-mouth to ever even sit through TV programs – hence the slothiness of my reading pace.

  4. Norwegian Wood

norwegian wood

Damned straight I didn’t forget my dearest Murakami! The absolute savior of my soulless soul! I received this recommendation from my newest book-blogging buddy Avalinah at AvalinahsBooks – an absolute savior to our humble book blogging world that if you haven’t yet checked out her amazing site I have to warn you that you are UTTERLY and COMPLETELY not a bimbo. Yes, a bimbo – go check her out! I have not less than the highest expectations for Norwegian Wood – Murakami’s imagination hasn’t failed me yet, and I’m already sure I am going to be once again blown away by his evocative surrealistic language.

5. Men Without Women

men without women

Yay! More Murakami! This has been my most anticipated 2017 release and I’m really looking forward to this thrilling collection of short stories which juxtapose women and men by drawing contrasts and at the same time similarities between the two sexes’ emotions and psychologic pathos.

6. When Dimple Met Rishi

when dimple met rishi

Even though, this book, by its description, doesn’t appeal to me much just because of it’s artificiality – I mean, it seems super cliché – I picked it up anyway as a “light” summer read that I feel will give me nostalgia for my teenage years and the corny young love that went along with it. (So glad all that nonsense is behind me *phew*).

7. The Hate U Give

the hate u give

Need I say more ? With all the heat and discussion that has been circulating around the world, especially here in the states, on subjects such as race and class divisions, particularly through The Black Lives Matter movement this book is a MUST READ. With issues of political violence and racism being at the very heart of this YA work of literature, I’m beginning to notice more and more that YA is not simply a superficial genre of literature lacking in realism and truth but rather a genre which draws attention to and confronts us with the world and the societal conditions which we live under in a day-to-day basis.

summer reading

Truly Yours,

What’s on your July TBR? How did June-gloom treat ‘cha? Did I miss any essential reads? Read any of these (of course you did – I’m the one behind here)? Don’t forget to leave a bookish babble below – I wanna hear what ‘cha gotta say!

(Image credits go to Google)

39 thoughts on “July TBR | Babblers Gonna Babble Books

  1. The Dinner by Herman Koch has been on my radar but haven’t read yet. I probably should add it to my TBR?
    I’ve just finished The Hate U Give this morning and I liked it a lot. Hope your July turned out to be a great month!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahh!!! So sorry, I haven’t gotten back to you Noriko! Apologies apologies APOLOGIES!
      Hmm, well I thoroughly enjoyed The Dinner which is why upon finishing, I wanted more of works from Koch. Dear Mr. M was just a huge let down mainly because it seems to me as though Koch was more interested into self reflecting on writing than the narrative itself.
      The Dinner however is a lot more of an enjoyable read. The whole book takes place in the course of one dinner (hence the title), but is filled with flashbacks and switches between character perspectives. I would definitely recommend trying out The Dinner for a taste of Koch, but I would stop there.
      I’m super excited to begin The Hate U Give – so many have been reviewing the novel so far I feel a touch behind!
      Likewise Noriko, happy reading and blogging to your July 🙂
      I look forward to hearing from you soon 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you, Delphine! (Can I call you that?) I actually flip-flopped my mind and bought ‘The Dinner’ instead of a mystery book that I had been planning to buy; I rememeber hearing about the book in a BookTuber’s video and your mentioning the book nudged my back lol
        Thank you so much for your detailed response, I do look forward to hearing from you, too 🙂

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  2. I finally read the Shades Of Magic trilogy this year too after hearing so much about Victoria Schwab and this trilogy in particular and I have to say, I wasn’t disappointed for the most part! I feel in love with all of these characters and grew too attached to most of them too quickly (which made for an interesting reading experience because you’re constantly worried for the safety of said characters) and got taken on a journey that at times resulted in me sobbing in bed at 4AM because my heart was just breaking. But it was definitely worth it!

    The Bear And The Nightingale is most definitely on my TBR too and I can’t wait to get to it at some point – hopefully this year! Anything that has Russian folklore attached to it will definitely grab my attention and make me want to read the book! The same happened for Leigh Bardugo’s Grisha Trilogy (which I’m really glad that it did grab my attention! Leigh has since become an auto-buy author for sure!).

    Happy reading to you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m definitely looking forward to starting the trilogy soon. Wow, really? I love that feeling – hope I’m able to fall in love with the characters in the same way 🙂
      Haha, same here! Just the allusion the Russian Folklore instantly draws me in. I’ve made a commitment to myself to read The Bear And The Nightingale this month as the sequel is already going to be coming out soon!
      Likewise 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. The second I read your comment I basically rushed to Goodreads to check for the title! I can’t wait to see the UK cover (I think that’s the one with just the typography on it) for the second book!

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  3. I’m so bad at planning what to read because I’m quite a mood reader, I’m so impressed when people can do that. THUG is amazing!! When Dimple met Rishi is sooo cute! I hope you enjoy your reads 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is actually my first time following an official TBR, so it’s going to be sort of like an experiment I guess. I’ve always been a mood reader and I think thats what makes reading so exciting: entering different fictional universes unexpectedly and spontaneously.
      Thanks, same to you 🙂


    1. Murakami is absolutely wonderful! If you like fantasy fused with surrealism you’ll definitely enjoy Murakami. I hope you get around to reading some of him soon! 🙂

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  4. Good God, I HATED The Circle. I gave it a generous one star after having to sit through that nonsense he calls literature for a university class. Tearing it apart in front of 30 students was the highlight of my freshman year. I’m a senior now and I still can’t hold back my reproachful Look any time someone mentions it.

    On the flip side, I completely adored A Darker Shade of Magic. It is a slow burn kind of fantasy novel, but unraveling the magic of it is a gift unto itself. The sequel didn’t quite reach the bar that ADSOM set, but so far the finale for the trilogy is nothing short of pure amazement (and I got it signed when I met Victoria on her release tour!) When Dimple Met Rishi is another favorite of mine from this year’s releases, it’s really cute once you get past the “hold up, what is this fresh bullshit?” phase that culminates Dimple meeting-slash-learning of Rishi’s existence for the first time. I think you’ll enjoy it. 🙂

    I’m so so glad to see you picking up Norwegian Wood! Crossing my fingers that it’s everything you’re hoping for and more. I’m planning on reading Men Without Women myself this month if I can, and I’m about to start The Hate U Give as well! I can’t wait to see what you think of all of these, and I can guarantee they will all be better than the on-fire trash can that was The Circle.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. OMG same!! The description was just soooo promising, how in the heck could this even be taught in a school?!?! I mean, I read this on my own accord, expecting to be swept away but all it did was bury me into a month-long reading slump.
      Really? I heard the sequel is the best so I’m totally stoked about beginning it as soon as I finish the Murakami’s which await me 🙂
      Thanks! I’m almost done – I’m at the part where Ashish and Celia have “hooked up” and Rishi and Dimple are giving them advice on how to handle the awkwardness of the situation -LOL, so fun so far- perfect summer read.
      Oh yay, let me know how you like The Hate U Give. July is looking like an amazing reading month! YEEEEE HAPPY DAYS 🙂 😀


  5. Such a great July TBR! The Shades Of Magic trilogy is hands down one of my all time favorites so I hope you will enjoy it as well! Thirteen Reasons Why is a great read and basically the rest of these titles are on my TBR pile as well. I’ve heard great things about THUG, When Dimple Met Rishi and The Bear And The Nightingale! I hope these books will help you get over your slump. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. REALLY – that’s what everyone’s been saying, if it’s anything like The Night Circus then I’m in for a real treat 🙂
      I just finished, like today, When Dimple Met Rishi and it was SOOO adorable, a little cliché sure, but I definitely enjoyed it and am planning a review for it soon.
      Haha, thanks, I am reading slump free now 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  6. This looks like it could be a great month for you! I’ve seen great reviews for most of these books. I just added A Darker Shade of Magic to my TBR list today and yesterday I added The Night Circus 😊

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks! I’m definitely feeling confident about this month with all the new releases coming out at Netgalley there’s barely enough time to do much else! 🙂
      Perfect – I hope you’re as enchanted as I was when you read The Night Circus 😀

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s what I heard! I haven’t read it yet, but am definitely looking forward to beginning it soon!


  7. The Bear and the Nightingale is such an amazing story! It’s definitely one of my favorites of the year and I am highly anticipating it’s sequel! I’m a sucker when it comes to folklore, especially Russian! It just intrigues me! I hope you enjoy this read immensely, as I did.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That’s a good idea, when I was at B&N I felt myself drifting automatically to the books that I had noticed were being reviewed and talked about the most like When Dimple Met Rishi and the Shades of Magic trilogy – probably not the best way to bookshop.


  8. I liked 13 Reasons Why well enough. It’s one of those YA books that are filled with stereotypes but are good anyway. Darker Shades Of Magic has been on my (GINORMOUS) TBR for a while because I loved Viscous, but i’m not sure when I’ll read it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve sooo fallen behind on my TBR due to all the ARCs that I’ve somehow managed to fall behind on just the same.
      I’m hoping to read Murakami’s short stories first and then starting on 13 Reasons Why. Ughh – same here, and the fact that the hype is even greater than ever right now sure makes me want to drop everything and start the Shades of Magic. #thestruggle


  9. I am ecstatic to see the Shades of Magic series on your list; I love V.E. Schwab, she’s excellent. THUG is SO good and challenged so many of my unchecked, unconscious bias. My husband and I had interest in reading The Circle, but after your thoughts maybe not!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve heard, I’m super excited to start on it soon!
      Haha – well I know a few people that actually enjoyed the book, but in my own opinion the book was a complete and utter disaster. Hopefully you have better luck with it than I did.


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