The Versatile Blogger Award

Dear fellow Babblers,

Howdie hoe day! It’s Thursday, Friday Eve, but who cares huh? Having been off of school for a little over a month now, every day seems to peacefully blur into yet another sunny, peaceful day in rowdy and smog-infested Cal-i-forn-i-a. Being free of a number of obligations, I have lots more time to blog and read – maybe even I can finally catch up on my endless TBR… LOL PSYCHE – that thang don’t stop stackin’, no thanks to all the groovy recommendations and reviews y’all don’t stop posting!I’m technically supposed to be studying for the GRE (Graduate Record Examination), which is one of the most annoying and brutal tortures that the American system could ever dare to slam on us, innocent, twenty-something-year-olds. However, as demonstrated, I have an attention as expansive as our fellow blue fishy, Dory and studying just ain’t my specialty.


So, all graduate school ambitions seem to have temporarily (hopefully) gone out the window and I’m here, again, spending the afternoon with my lovelies (you, dear babbler)…

Today I’m here to give kisses and hugs to my blogging buddy, Michenko at ReadRantRock&Roll for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award – even if I am a bit of a bland soul at this static period in my banal vida (~life, sorry have I mentioned to you guys yet that I am 103921010% fluent in Spanglish?). Please visit her blog where you’ll find some of the greatest, most noteworthy reviews without those killer spoilers that I’ve been noticing a lot of lately (PET PEEVE – IF THIS IS YOU STOP! – lol, I’m a lil too passionate today).

Whatcha Gotta Do:

  • Give an air kiss and hug to your nominator and share their links with your fellow babblers
  • Keep the flow alive by nominating 10 bloggers that you admire and don’t forget to link, or else what’s the purpose (ahhh – the beauty of common sense)
  • Let your nominees know you nominated them – come on! Share the love
  • Reveal (ooooo riveting!) 7 facts about yourself that hasn’t been acknowledged yet before

I feel like my blog pretty much sums up my life in a nutshell – reader, mentally unstable Neanderthal, shoe addict who has an addiction to her mother’s credit card… what is there to know. Sorry, my lovelies, we gonna have to get to the nitty gritty here…


                    1. I have a love/hate relationship with the ground. Yup, ain’t no typos there – you heard meh. And what does my riddle (can we call it that) insinuate? I live in la-la looney tuney land where walking on two feet in some cosmos called ‘reality is a challenging prospect requiring in-depth instructions! I trip and fall like all the time no matter where I am, what time it is, or how professionally paved the freaking concrete is. I trip over absolutely nothing and clumsily fall and therefore have enjoyed a wholesome amount of visits to the emergency room for fractured bones in places between my neck and shoulder, elbow and wrist, chin and face that I never could have guessed could have been damaged… And then it happens – again.

                    2. In an ideal world Señorita Delphine is married to hottie-tottie Drake. If any of you follow the music industry her in the states, you’ll know just who I’m talking about. I absolutely LOVE Drake. In my dreams we’ve been dating since I was thirteen and I’m the gal behind one of his oldest singles, Sooner Than Later. So that means we’ve been going strong for almost 10 years now *sigh*. Take me away Drake, I’m ready *put a ring on it*!


                    3. Just because I have a seriously intense, maybe a bit creepy, crush on Drake does not mean his music is on the top of my musica list. My all time favorite band is Angus & Julia Stone. Any of y’all know about them? I wouldn’t be surprised if you don’t, they’e more in the indie range, but their music is absolutely delightful. Here’s some of my favorites, let me know whatcha think!


                     4. One of my dreams is to have a cottage with a large garden where I can grow my own fruits, veggies, flowers, and trees – just about anything that can grow through the dirt should be included here. When I lived with my mom I used to garden and help her in the backyard all the time. And now that I live in an apartment building and no longer have that luxury, I realize how much I took advantage of the joy I felt out in the sun, giving life to mother earth. I especially love that brief period when summer looms into fall and the perennials have one last bloom of vitality before the chilly air comes to put them asleep until the following year when they blossom all over again.

                    5. I like to shine bright like a pearl! I love pearls. I’m not much for diamonds, but pearls and you got me! My parents got me a beautiful water pearl necklace and I literally wear it everyday.

                      6. I have four tattoos cause I’m an undercover gang banger. KIDDING – well about the gang banger part yeah, but it’s true! This shorty has four ink works! My first is an infinity sign marked by doves on my wrist that I got when I was 18 I absolutely hate it because it reminds me of my ex-boyfriend – UGH!. My second is a sketched outline of a dove on my back – as you can see, I really like birdies. The third is a quote “Tourner dans la vie”… Google translate is fully at your disposal if you don’t parler français. My fourth is my absolute favorite. I got it about two months ago and I’m still in awe. It’s a detailed work of a girl on a swing on the back of my right arm. It took two hours to be done and DAYUM that shizz hurt – for real!





                    7. I’ve had weight struggles all my life. I’m pretty sure just about every girl has suffered with her body at some point in her life, so I doubt this comes as a surprise. Worst part of it,, for me, is that I love cookies! Soft backed, classic chocolate chip cookies is my weakeness, and due to my constricting diet, I can’t even remember the last time I bit into a yummy Chips Ahoy… *sigh* In a perfect world, Delphine has the metabolism of Michael Phelps… and here come reality: Delphine munching on a carrot. Grr.


Sharin’ the love:

Silver Button Books
Ally Writes Things
Little Bookness Lane
Flavia the Bibliophile
Angie Dokos
Rambling Writer
Bursting with Books

Yours Truly,

Comments? Need a translation of the Babbler’s slang? Non-heartbreaking critiques? Wish you were nominated? Well nominate yourself anyway and join us – love ain’t a definite thing!

32 thoughts on “The Versatile Blogger Award

  1. Thank you so much!! I’m the exact same about chocolate chip cookies, I just keep balls of dough frozen in my freezer for when I want some. And I love your tattoos! I want to get one soon but I keep psyching myself out lol

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course! ❤
      OMG I wish I could trust myself to keep cookie dough in my freezer, but I know as soon as I bring it up, the whole tub will be consumed the very same day… I have issues with self control lol.
      I felt that way about my first tattoo and then from that point on I just keep saying "just one more and I'll stop." 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The tat on your back is cute and is giving me ideas. I want a second one but I don’t know how I want it yet. Congratulations! This post was fun to read 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks 🙂 What’s your first one? I follow quite a few tattoo accounts on instagram, gives me lots of cool ideas.
      Thanks for reading and commenting Nel! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I have a small bamboo on the lower right side of my back with Japanese characters that say “To live”. (I love japanese culture). I got this Indonesian kid in college to translate the correct characters cause I didn’t trust Google Translate completely hahaha

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ooo that sounds sooo zen – lovely! ❤
        Haha – well at least you got help, given that Google Translate is not 100% reliable.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Omg, I am also super clumsy! I have really bad ankles that roll like crazy, and I trip and fall over nothing all the time. I don’t even know how many times I’ve fallen down the stairs. I’ve fallen down in front of so many people it’s embarrassing, and once I literally fell right into a friend’s arms, lol. My mom likes to blame it on my “bad shoes,” but…there’s no way EVERY pair of shoes I’ve ever worn can be that bad 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha- yes! So embarrassing when it happens when I’m crossing the street!
      I’ve shattered my phone so many times because of it. Lol what kinds of shoes do you wear?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Lol Same! The last time I ever wore heels was high school prom and even then, half the time I walked around barefoot !

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, my first was a huge regret. But as soon as I got one it was hard to stop – haha.
      Thanks 🙂


    1. Thank you! 🙂
      Yes – I initially planned to just get the one, but, just like eating one potato chip, all self control went out the window. lol 🙂


  4. Oh Delphine, how happy I am that you found your way to my blog yesterday and felt inclined to comment and start a little chat with me. I don’t know you, but I can hear your voice in your writing, and that is my favorite kind of writing in the whole entire universe. I am a Delphine fan, and I can’t wait to read more and more and more of your babbles.

    PS I am planning on getting my first tattoo very soon and your pictures have gotten me even more excited 🙂

    xoxo, new friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello there Kacy and it’s my pleasure! I always enjoy reading other book blogs and making new bookish buddies. Haha – thank you so much I try really hard not to bore my readers too much. It kinda gets in the way of the quality of my book reviews at time, but, well it’s all a learning process!
      I can’t wait to have more bookish chats and read more from you soon! 🙂 ❤

      Liked by 1 person

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